Girl:” Hey…man, what ’s your name?? I have a friend comes from Asia and she would like to know you, but she is kinda shy to come here and talk to you…” Matt: “………………………………………” (說了一堆我沒聽懂半句……@@)
就這樣莫名其妙的 這位黑妞就離開了 此時大家正在享用美味的Sushi 不久之後 Chan 開口了…. Chan:” Ming, you got a mission. Go to that black girl who just talked to matt and bring them here …..” Ming:” Why me?? I think they want to know Matt not me” Chan:” whatever!! You need more practice to talk to girls. Now, go there and say hi to them and tell them if they wanna know matt just come over here with you. “
我就這樣硬著頭皮給他過去了 而且剛剛還是完全搞不懂Matt到底是跟那黑妞說了啥鬼東西 讓這位黑色小妞就這樣離開了 在走向這位黑妞時 又遇到了剛剛兩位不太甩我的俄國女孩子 跟他們打了招呼 隨手拿了手中的煙盒 問他們是不是俄國的香菸 這兩位左瞧右看 異口同聲的說…………”不是” 阿真的見鬼了我 所有的朋友都說這是俄國煙 就這兩位俄國妞說不是俄國煙 難道美國人也喜歡不懂裝懂??? 算了我有任務在身……. Ming:” Hey there, how’s going?? I am Ming, my friend Matt …..that guy you just talked to….He told me he would like to know your friend, but he was just a little bit shy…. If you really want to know him just come with me, and I will introduce you…” Girls:” Alright…that’s my pleasure….”