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篇名: Putonghuacourse
作者: Larry 日期: 2014.02.26  天氣:  心情:
Last year I applied for a Putonghua course at VTC, the course name was 普通話正音訓練單元證書(國家語委水平測試備試課程.) Yesterday was my first class of the course.
I think the lecturer is a local Chinese that was born at China; she is around 50 years old. She speaks Putonghua very well; also she can speak Cantonese for supplement. It seems I am listening CD when she speaks Putonghua because her sound is very beautiful and the style is very likely the sound recorded at the Putonghua tutorial CD.

We have around 20 students in our class, from 6:45pm to 9:45pm on every Tuesday and Friday, beginning from yesterday to the end of June. Our age are from 20 to 50.

I am looking for the course that could improve my standard of speaking Putonghua and meet some friends by attending that course. Hope I can do so.
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