Sean:” Ming, what are you doing now??” Ming:” Hey, Sean. I am just about to eat my lunch…..nothing much..” Sean:” Ok~~ we have a small idea Competition in the large conference room. It is a project which has retail and residential around a shopping mall….would you like to join us to provide some ideas??” Ming:” Sure…of course…large conference room??” Sean:” Yes! Ok…grab your lunch and I will see you there”
Hisashi:” Eric, You are doing the same thing with Ming’s scheme!!” Eric:” Oh…Really..???” Eric轉過頭來看我的 我也在看他的 Eric:” God damn you Ming….you such a sucker” Ming:”…..mmm.... I can come up with another one if you want me to” Eric:” NONONO…..I have another idea….that’s fine” Ming:” Alright..!! It’s up to you”
Suha:” Ming, is that John Lowe??” Ming:” Yes!! That’s him” Suha:” What is he doing here?!?!” Ming:” He is working now. You know that marketing people never stop working.” Suha:” Oh Yeth….you are right…they are insane…”
John Lowe 是誰呢?? 他是我們公司行銷企畫部的主管…..他的助理通常都很辣……之前公司那位業餘模特兒Catherine坐我前面害我畫圖都不能專心那位辣妹 就是他的助理 (詳日記Work Over Time 01/06/2005) 後來Matt帶了他另一個以前的同事 叫啥鬼我又忘了 既然沒搞頭就參觀一下家具吧 反正吃喝都不用錢 大概七點多後 我陪Suha走路回家 因為她住公司附近 我便自己搭地鐵回家了…………..我很乖的….都沒亂來喔.....