話說整個週末在猶豫要不要寄信給那位頗辣的拉丁裔女孩…..一早進公司後跟Kierston說了那女孩給我她E-mail的事 當然她也問我寄信給她沒…… 此外呢那位Carlos#3(請參閱記Josh's B-Day!!!) 竟然為我大肆宣揚 還散佈錯誤信息說人家給我電話號碼 害我今天在公司好不尷尬……大家都在虧我……@@ 才過不久 Chan便E-mail給我… han: ”OK!! Buddy…now you got her NUMBER what you gonna do with it???” Ming:” NONONO…!! You got the wrong information……I just got her E-mail not her NUMBER…” Chan: “Whatever~~!!! Use it Dumbass!!! You want me to go to your office to kill you right now?? USE IT!! Tell her you met her in DragonFly last Friday and you really had fun talking to her and ask her if she wana hang out with our happy hour crew sometimes or not…..got it?? DUMBASS!! DO IT RIGHT NOW….I MEAN NOW!!!” 20mins later……… Ming: how about this man… ” hi…Patricia, do you remember me? We talked for a little bit at Dragonfly on Friday night. I was there with some friends of mine from my office celebrating a friend's birthday. You also talked to Carlos, the Mexican in my office and his wife. Just wanted to write you and say I had fun talking with you on Friday and I hope we can meet up again sometime. Have a good day and I will talk to you again soon. Bye~~~” Chan: “ Good…….mail her and wait….let me know if she writes you back…”
Get your Fucking ass down to Bravo
整個下午就是樣等~~ 說時在本來並不會緊張的 只是覺得好玩 可是Chan似乎比我還緊張 大概每一個小時就寫信來問我一次她到底回信沒?? 最後我問他…. Ming:” Will girls mail back so quickly??” Chan:” YES!! What you expect?? 3 Days?? A week?? USUALLY, if they like you they will mail you back the same day. If she doesn’t mail you back by tomorrow…..just forget it and go on to the next one.”
這時我才覺得有點不安 漸漸的時間接近下班的尾聲 每次打開E-mail 看到的寄件人都是 Chan Chan Chan…. 就是沒有P開頭的…..@@ 最後…… Chan:” Ming, get your ass down to Bravo…I will be there like 6:30…..You need a drink to relax and we have to celebrate for tomorrow’s surprise…….”