她跟我說 ”Public schools announced that they will shut down for today, but federal government made an“ UNSCHEDULED DECISION” last night. 我說 “UNSCHEDULED DECISION?? What the fuck is that means??? ” K說 “ alright…it means that they haven’t made any decision yet….so, theoretically we still have to work until they have further announcement….. ”
回座位時 Hisashi 又出現在我位置 旁邊還多一個人 Eric, 這個Eric 不是那個天兵老闆Eric, 也不是上次過生日的那個南美Eric 反正就是另外一位公司的專案經理Eric 其實在今天之前我還不知道他叫啥鬼…..一直到剛剛才 知道他”也”叫Eric 他問Hisashi 手邊有沒人可以幫他畫幾張圖 於是便找到我頭上來了 Hisashi問我有沒空 我說還好應該有空 於是Hisashi便把我丟給Eric 隨他差遣.... 他說 ”Ming, I need you to render a site plan for me, and it is due next week. 1st of all, I just want to make sure your schedule. When is better for you ? ” 我說 “Any time you want!! just let me know what you want me to do.” 他說 “OK….I will let you know what to do in the late afternoon or tomorrow morning, because I haven’t done that design yet……is that alright?” 我說 “Yeah..thats alright….take your time….”
記得他們還問我一個問題 “Ming, which girl you wana bang bang the most in the office??” 一開始我聽不懂.....@@ 他們換一個說法 “Which girl you wana do her the most in the office??” 可是我還是聽不懂……@@ 最後他們加上”肢體語言”的解釋 我才問他們 ” does that word “DO or BANG BANG” mean “FUCK”as a verb??? ” 他們異口同聲大笑說 “Finally, you got it….!!”
可是我怎可以出賣華人同胞勒……… 所以我只有教一半………… ” ”上”…妳 ” ”
Bang Bang You = Do you = Fuck You = 上妳 真糟……..@@ 盡學這些鳥東西