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 Larry 的日記本
TV programs 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 20120709
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篇名: Unexpected call
作者: Larry 日期: 2013.08.26  天氣:  心情:
I was told by my elder friend his company might have vacancies. Therefore I was going to try by "walk in interview"  without making appointment. But I was surprised at another incoming call......

Totally I was involved by 3 jobs today , one was the appointment had already  been made last week, one was I am going to have a walk in interview after I had called my friend and the last job was that the interview had already been made last week but suddenly and surprisingly informed me I was passed.

In the morning, I was being interviewed by an appointment made in last week, so far so good. But the salary I was not satisfied with a 12 hours post. The interviewer (a girl) told me she would try her effort to help me find a 9 hours post with reasonable salary.

Then I gave a call to my elder friend, He told me I could try to find out any vacanies in his company. Because the location of his company's HR office was very near to the location I was just interviewed. So I was to go to his company's HR instantly.

But when I arrived his company's HR, the time was just 1205. The secretary told me the HR's interview time was from 10:00 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 16:00.
I had to come there again by 14:00. I just thought how unlucky I was. I left the HR and went to have my lunch.

After I had my lunch I was window shopped because it was still early. While I was window shopping, I missed 1 call, but luckily my mobile was ringing again. I was told by the man I was successfully passed the interview that was being made last week. I just felt surprisingly and strangely because I was already told by another staff I might have failed in the following day at last week's interview. But I was sure he couldn't have made mistake because he was the Operation Manager, the one who informed me last week was his secretary. Then I was told to go to the HR to sign the contract and do some paper work. preferably at the afternoon.

Therefore I called my friend immediately to have discussed whether I went to his company's HR office to perform a walk in interview or sign the contract of that job.

Of course I have chosen the one that I felt the most luckily. Fortune is the most important.

Good luck and many thanks to my friends. I appreciate your help.

(I am a bit confused English style grammer with American style grammer when I am writing this diary. I have to double check one day. I use past tense to write this diary as well)
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TV programs 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 20120709