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Still trouble 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 孤單
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篇名: Air-conditioner
作者: Larry 日期: 2013.07.13  天氣:  心情:
I brought a new Rasonic air conditioner XC710J last 20th month. It was an 7500BTU model with remote control. But the model was not a recent new model. It was a 2010 model and same as Panasonic. But it cost me $3020 including installation fee with new aluminium frame. Because as far as I know. This model is much quiet than its later model 711 and 712. At least I couldn't find any negative news from the net.

The first day after installation, I was very satisfied to it. But 2 days after, there was some sounds from the front grille. Therefore I informed ShunHing soasto solve it. The technician added some lubricant oil to the vane. The problem was solved.

But some days after, I discovered some noise was inside the air-conditioner when the condenser was started making cold air. Therefore I requested ShunHing again, another technician was come and made some adjustment in order to make it quiet when working. The problem seemed to be solved but I still found little noise.

Mightbe my expectation to the air conditioner was very high because I needed having a good quality sleep everynight. Also were I brought a brand new model made by China brand names, it only cost me $1700 to $2400 such as $1700 for Media 07CM3N1, $2400 for Media 07HR3N1 and $2000 for Gree G1307SR with remote control including installation fee.

But then I discovered when I turned the temperature setting to the lowest degree with low wind, it seemed to be most silently.

I found Panasonic 9000 BTU model without remote control only cost $2000 with installation fee recently. it was a big joke.
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Still trouble 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 孤單