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Air Conditioner 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 Crazy week.
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篇名: New job
作者: Larry 日期: 2013.06.16  天氣:  心情:
I've found a new job few days ago. It is a clerical job and has to work overnight. The work location is quite near my home, around 20 minutes walk.

The fist interview was conducted by the boss. He offered me $15000 per month. I have 1 day leave every week. All other general public holidays and annual leaves are to be replaced by money rewards by the year end. The work time is fom 10:30pm to 9:00am the next day.

I understand most of the merchants are operating near 365 days a years, except lunar new year. They are difficult to solve the problem if the staff is on holiday.

There are 17 days general holidays this year and 10-12 days annual leave are usually to be given by a proper office.

Tonight is my first day at this company, hope I will have a nice working condition.
瀏覽次數:52    人氣指數:52    累積鼓勵:0
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Air Conditioner 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 Crazy week.