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 Larry 的日記本
Mighthavebeen 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 Frustrating
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篇名: havebeenresting
作者: Larry 日期: 2013.06.13  天氣:  心情:
I have been resting for 2 weeks. My last work date was at 28th last month. At the first week I went to library every day soasto read English books. But in fact I didn't have such mood to have read them. I hoped to date girl and my eyes were always diffiult to concentrate to the book I had to read.

On 6th this month, I attened the IELTS. In fact I was late. I could only been attended the oral part. It was my fault. But for my personal thinking, it was reasonable to being late. I should have been fully rested after my last work. I knew I was wasting money.

From 7th to today. Neither sleeping nor being interviewed, nothing I have been done, except going to buy a new air conditioner and going to SCB HR.
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