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篇名: The past
作者: Larry 日期: 2012.04.19  天氣:  心情:
I could hardly meet female friend when I was young. The reason was that I was studied in a boy secondary school and then I worked in a men band department.

My first love was started when I was 23 years of age. She was 18 years old. She was also my first female friend. It was a very valuable experience for me because it was my first falling in love experience. At first we were very enjoyable to our love. But we only had our relationship last for 2 years. Maybe I was lacked of experience. Definitely I made her feel unhappy because of some problems I still couldn t solve because of my character. Actually, my first female friend was made when I was age 17 in Form 5 summer vacation. The location was on my part time shop. We only had our friendship for 2 months. Should I count her as my friend. I would no doubt to say yes when I was young. But now I am not. But anyway, the legend in that shop was a wonderful recall for me.

After half year I met another girl. But I could only gain a good friendship. Although I tried my best to tell her I loved her, I knew she only acted me as good pure friend. Maybe the timing was not matched. What I could do was only being waited for her until she was willing to fall in love with me. Haha 3 years was gone. Finally and Unluckily I did a wrong thing and let me lose all her contacts. Also she never find me.

I regreted, regreted deeply for my fault. I had no mood to do anything, including working and meeting friends. I stayed at home whole day but for doing nothing.

My parents acted me as a rubbish. The only thing I did was reading some English grammer books and played some intenet games such as restaurant city. I didn t know why they gave me some paceful feelings. Time flies as rocket, many years were gone.

During these years, I thought I was the most bad luck guy in the world. It was because both my grandfather and my lovely father died sequentially. My grand father died in 2006 and my father died in 2008. I couldn t help it because I was definitely a rubbish. God! Why I had to being suffering such an irretrievable result.

I had completely no mood for any activities, but my mother gave me pressure. As a result I preferred improving my English in school to staying at home. I took part in VTC in 2009 and IELTS course in 2010.

I met some friends there but seldem social. Maybe I was not their cup of tea. Maybe they were not my cup of tea. Maybe I didn t have mood. Maybe in the real world, I only felt lonely.

It was Febrary this year, I saw her again in the street when I was in shopping in MK at night. She walked fast towards me and held a mobile seemingly talking. I couldn t recognise her at first reponse when she was walking quickly towards me. But in fact i didn t know why my instant response was bowing my head and walked straight quickly to pass by her. I stopped at the bus station and eventually my bus was coming. I got into the bus. Nothing I had done.

When I thought of her in the bus, I did t know whether both I regreted and why not caught the opportunity to say sorry to her. But........ I was not sure the such event she might be her.

It should be a past tense!

1/10 Amend immediately to immediate to instant
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