I know what it is to love you. Yet I was unwilling to share your love with anyone 我知道什麼是愛你,這使我甚至不願意分出一點點對你的愛給其他人。
Yu is my LIFE. Without yu, there is NOTHING. 你就是我生命的全部。一個沒有你存在的世界,只是一片荒蕪。
We are something that has never been, and our journey is one that none have ever taken. We are just now setting out. We must go with courage, and we must do with care... 我們現在走著的路程是未曾有人走過的,我們現在所經歷的是世上未曾有人經歷過的;而我們的考驗才剛剛開始。我們必須勇敢地走下去,帶著對彼此的愛....