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 Larry 的日記本
Primary 4 con'd 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 Disappointed
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篇名: Apologise
作者: Larry 日期: 2013.02.19  天氣:  心情:
You told me to have been waiting for you for 3 months until December that year you were to have been completed for the mid-term exam.

Why Why and Why?
Couldn t you free 1 day for me every month. At least I could stand in front of you. I could hear your voice.

But God didn t bless me.

One day in October, I was sleeping in my bed at around 2:00am. Actually I didn t fall into sleep. I didn t know why I suddenly have a feeling.

I turned on the computer, opened ICQ, and searched a girl name Michelle.

I only added 1 girl who called Michelle, then we talked, she told me I could go to her home. I didn t know why the feeling was so strange, I should have been met her. Then I went to Tsuen Wan to find out my answer. Of course that night we were sexed.

Michelle was a 25 years old girl but actually woman was sometimes much suitable. I could say I had been seen her twice when I was young.

The first time was that I was below age 10. My parent and my aunt and her husband went to a building that just completed construction at Tsuen Wan.

When my aunt and her husband were talking to my parents, a woman and a little girl were passing through us. I definitely remembered the little girl turned away and stared at me when she was following her mother walking towards. Her mother held her hand tightly.

The second time was that when I was around age 19, one day I went to Tsuen Wan to go shopping. When I was walking at a crossroad near her home, she was walking towards me and coming by me. Of course we had an eye contact. I guessed she was going home.

Strange, Strange and strange!

After that night we sexed in Oct, I was getting trouble. She said she loved me. But actually I was waiting for you. I didn t know how to do. I didn t know how to shoulder the responibility. I didn t know how to solve the problem.

She deleted all the contact in my mobile phone. She deleted all the contacts on my net commuication such as ICQ & MSN. That s why I couldn t find you again.

Then I lived with her for 2 years, I looked after her, especially for her heart. But I knew I wish she was you. I never loved her but I could say I liked her.

It was not the first time for her, she had much dating experience. Of course she was not a virgin. In fact I only felt ugly when daytime. But I dared not tell her by verbal.

Of course that night I couldn't remember she was the girl I had been seen her twice. I only felt that the play was written by God. I was only a small potato actor.

During those 2 years, I only knew I worked, then I came back to her home, then I slept. When I waked up, I had to work. One day by one day. Times flied like a rocket. Also because I had to spent 1 hour each way to work or got away from work, I felt tired every day. I was always sleeping when I had holiday.

Although she was staying with me, I knew my heart was owned by you. I only knew I missed you.

It was very difficult to dismiss from her in 2005.

I regreted I had gone wrong as a result being losing you.

That was my first time to have one night stand and gave me an horrible experience.

I felt guilty. I have felt guilty for many many years even today.

I regret I was losing you by my mistake.

I have to apologise.

Both for you and for me.

Amend some keypunch errors on 6/3/2013 02:00

1/8/2013 20:20
Amend an unrecoverable eorror so as to => as a result
"passing through" replaced by "coming by"
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