即使空間將我們分開 即使時間將我們隔離
2008-12-07 ~ 2009-01-06這一個月的你 跟我分手吧!
因為我不要在那一個月中 分了心的你
就算我情緒高張 就算我歇斯底里
2008-12-07 ~ 2009-01-06這一個月的你 跟我分手吧!
因為我不要在那一個月中 假裝接受了她的你
用著別人想像不到的方法為我紓解腰痛 講著令人噴飯的時事笑話就為博我一笑
2008-12-07 ~ 2009-01-06這一個月的你 跟我分手吧!
因為我不要在那一個月中 演著荒謬鬧劇的你
不知內情的人大罵你是負心漢 不知故事真像的人勸我把你一腳踢開
2008-12-07 ~ 2009-01-06這一個月的你 跟我分手吧!
因為我不要在那一個月中 像傀儡任她擺佈的你
毫不遲疑的宣告將愛我永遠 從不懷疑我是你此生唯一的愛
2008-12-07 ~ 2009-01-06這一個月的你 跟我分手吧!
因為我不要在那一個月中 將性與愛分開看待的你
雖然我一遇挫折就想放棄 雖然我一碰難關就想逃離
我要跟 2008-12-07 ~ 2009-01-06這一個月的你分手!
因為我不要再讓那一個月中的你 破壞我對我們美好未來的冀望
我要跟那一月中 不完美 不清醒 不聰明 不堅持的你徹底分手!
不說再見 不給祝福
因為我不要再讓那一個月中的她 搖動我對我們幸福一生的信心
因為我不要再讓那一個月中的你們 改變我對我們就是彼此生命中那唯一的真愛的信念
時間會證明 那一個月 對你而言不存在過 對我而言沒發生過
她終有一天也要面對 那一個月對她也不具任何意義
男友一職 只是不可能實現的幻覺
未來一詞 只是她自創的夢想
說好的幸福 更從未存在過
等待跟期待 完全不必要
2008-12-07 ~ 2009-01-06的你 讓我們分手吧!
在你我相愛的過去 現在 未來 那一個月將被抹掉刪去
當你我再不經意的提起時 我將微笑著 只當是在講起一個愚昧人的愚昧過往
不再是濃烈戀著我的你 不再是深刻愛著我的你 不再是無二心守著我的你
Ten Steps
I've got a secret I'm dying to tell you
You're sound asleep, I don't wanna wake you
I'm about to break your heart and you don't know
You don't know
I've got my suitcase, it's lock and loaded
Just in case you haven't noticed
I'm about to break your heart or so I hope
So I hope
Ten steps from your bed to your door
Ten steps and I'll see you no more
I've tried and I can't cry
And I did it, did it, did it, did it
I've tried and I can't cry
And I did it, did it, did it, did it
Goodbye and goodbye and goodbye
You look sweet like when I first saw you
Heaven knows how I once adored you
I'm about to kiss your mouth one last time
No dream under your eyelashes
Could ever prepare you for this
I'm about to break your heart like you broke mine
Ten steps from your bed to your door
Ten steps and I'll see you no more
I've tried and I can't cry
And I did it, did it, did it, did it
I've tried and I can't cry
And I did it, did it, did it, did it
Goodbye and goodbye and goodbye
Ten steps from your bed to your door
Ten steps and I'll see you no more
I've tried and I can't cry
And I did it, did it, did it, did it
I've tried and I can't cry
And I did it, did it, did it, did it
Five steps from your door to my car
Tip-toe will I cross the front yard
Don't move you stay right where you are