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篇名: Sick
作者: Larry 日期: 2013.01.06  天氣:  心情:

I will be working at Henderson head office as on 8th Jan this month. This mean I will stop working at metro city plaza 2. A new legend will be developed. Hope there will be brilliant future and continue to cooperate with the staff of henderson staff.

I felt sick this few days and got a sick leave last night. I slept whole the day and night because I felt very tired and dizzy. I've got a wonderful sleeping for 18 hours. Therefore I woke up early this morning at 8:00am. I played computer whole the morning and listened pop music this afternoon. I have not been listening to any pop songs for a long time. Such as Mariah Carey, Alan Tam and Wang Kit.

I am going to read grammer books because I've brought a few books last month. Hope my English could be improved a lot.

PS. brilliant -> bright might be better
and change some grammers on 2-2-2013

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