AP: "Ming, Paul and I have something to talk to you...... Have a seat...."
好沈重的對話開始......@@ 心中那股不安....... 頓時間整個人失了神...........似乎有點耳鳴....似乎聽不到聲音....
AP: "Thank you. I know you came a long way here from Washington DC............................................
通常....Thank you + (............) , BUT + "..........." 這些刮號的東西其實都不是重點.....@@ 重點都在引號裡面的點點點......於似 便豎起耳朵很努力的聽BUT哪個時候會出現.....@@
AP: "You have been here almost a year.... We all like your work what you had done either in NPM project, Canada Project or the Prague competition..... and I heard a lot good thing about what you did from other associates..... I can feel your enthusiasm for Architecture which is a good thing........................"
AP 兩三分鐘 一直講個不停....... Ming 回了神一直沒聽到傳說中的BUT 有點失去了耐心的邊聽邊想著........ 怎麼美國連裁員都這麼煩阿??! 還囉哩叭嗦的講一堆長篇大論..........很想打斷AP的話直接問........ "Are you firing me now...................?!! "
AP: "..........You know Taiwan is kinda trapped us..... The bureaucracy situation(詳連結).... you might feel frustrated because you gave up the job in DC and came all the way to this middle land just for this Taiwan Project.... I admire you have that courage to come here..... The bureaucracy issue is not just happening in Taiwan. It is an international issue.... My office had been through this before ................
I am sorry that you had not much chance to work on the Taiwan Project before it shut down................... You did help a lot on Canada Project, Prague and even the Mariposa you are working on now..... You did a great job...............
It is hard to find a staff like you..... you can design; you can find out where are the problems in our drawing; you can work on construction document, models.... ......... "