Army is a unit formed by each different individual. A unit that does not scare of how difficult the mission is. Over the course form lifting thebiits forthe challenge of the ''Bishan Thousand Steps'', to climbing its last step. It is like the journey of our lives as an Army that evolved us into ones who never back down. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 小時曾經跑到附近最高的山丘上嘗試伸手觸摸藍天 長大後是否驚覺 理應更為接近的天空卻以不復當年的蔚藍了 現在 是時候重拾年少的純粹與感性了。 軍旅生活 有人說是蜇伏期 有人說是適應期 更多人只覺得苦悶無奈 但也有人能從單純的形式裡找回快樂的原形 在攀登千階的過程中 讓心中多餘的雜念隨著汗水流走 只是朝著登頂努力 只是朝向藍天邁進 正如行在直逼白日的千階上 終會找到心中的那片藍