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篇名: Reassurance
作者: Larry 日期: 2021.04.21  天氣:  心情:
Last year in August I performed a body check at MongKok 工聯會. One of the item values that let me scare was the RBC value in urine. The normal value was from 0 to 5. But my value was from 35 to 45. Today I believe the value should be suffered from key-punched mistake.

I made an appointment to consult doctor at the Mary Hospital last year September, The consulted doctor date was in late March this year.

But in late February this year I found a laboratory that I had patronized 4 years ago. I had performed body check at this laboratory in year 2016. The laboratory was offering a discounted price for body check at price.com.

I had no doubt to take part in the body check offer and performed the body check at 1st of March. Might be the price was relatively much cheaper than the normal price, it needed a much longer time to achieve the result than 4 years ago. Therefore I couldn't have the result before I consulted the Mary Hospital's doctor. Also the result of storing 24 hours urine was prohibited to let me know before my next consultation of doctor at the Mary Hospital in year 2023. I scared for my health in deep.

Eventually I had my check-up report 4 days ago by email that performed at the laboratory in Causeway Bay.

The RBC value was only 2-3 that fulfilled the normal value of 0-5.

I reassured for the value for a while then I scared was it assured? It needed to be concerned. But anyway value 2-3 was still much lower than the upper margin of value 5. I should be reassured.

But there were some items I exceeded the normal range that I needed to keep alert. Such as
1. The value of ALT/SGPT谷丙轉氨酵素 was 56, the normal range should be 0-55.
2. The total Cholesterol 總膽固醇 was 5.9, desirable value should be less than 5.2, borderline was 5.3-6.2.
3. The lDL-Cholesterol 低密度膽固醇 was 4.1, desirable vale should be less than 3.5

Item - Year 2016 Year 2020 Year 2021 (Remarks)
ALT/SGPT - 33 54 56 normal range should be 0-55.
Total Cholesterol - 6.5 5.9 5.9 desirable value should be less than 5.2, borderline was 5.3-6.2.
RBC in urine - 2-3 35-45 2-3 normal value should be 0-5
瀏覽次數:52    人氣指數:52    累積鼓勵:0
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