Ming不時的被老闆問到....... AP: "Ming, whats wrong with those officials??? they havent paid us a single dollar...... I am really sick of this......so BUREAUCRATIC!!! I am going to sue them if them still dont pay us...... "
Ming:"..........I really dont know what is going on........" 台灣真是丟臉都到家了 作事跟土匪沒兩樣......[:|][:|]
AP: "I think we are going to do another competition in Prague.... You all did a great jod for the New Silk Road competition...... this year is the WORST time in my whole career life......the most main 2 projects, Human Right Museum in Canda and the NPM project in Taiwan......Canada is still fine.... at least they paid us on time....we are just kinda waiting for their responses to keep moving on......But i am really sick of the bureaucratic of Taiwan....They havent paid us for the past 8 months.....I am really pissed off..... We did so much works but, I dont know why they dont pay us..... I really dont like to layoff people work for me, but we almost spent all the money from Canada... So, I think we need to do more competition and try to get some money...... I know you guys all tired.... but this is the only way..... because i really dont want to layoff anyone of you guys here...........
Ming.....do you have any ideas why taiwan dont pay us????....I feel like they dont care about this ... what you think??? ...."
Ming: " Sigh..... I think no one cares about this project for now..... beacuse President Chen is in a big trouble now..... and the whole DPP is in a big trouble, too.... KMT might recall all the government positions... including the curator of National Palace Museum....so, i think no one wants to make the decision for now..........."
AP: "What??! AGAIN??!! What is going on in Taiwan....?? What happened to president Chen???....."
Ming: "......It is not easy to say...... His son-in-law just been charged for stock market insider trading...... and his wife been accused of another under table things like that...... so the KMT just proposed to recall President Chen's position to force him to step down..... If it doesnt succeed....KMT is going to propose to recall Prime Minister's position, which is easier and very possiblly will happen.......if it happens the curator of NPM will definitely change again....... ....... "
Ming 真的是話越說越小聲.....頭越來越低.....臉越來越紅.....手汗越冒越多......... 我招誰惹誰??? 被起訴的人都還用鼻孔看人勒......我何必不好意思勒?????
在Ming看來....... NPM This project is going to be put on hold untill no one knows when it is gonna come back..........