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A busy Day 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 1917
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篇名: Annual Lunch
作者: Larry 日期: 2020.01.19  天氣:  心情:
Remarks: The first half of this diary is written at 11th January and complete it today.

Today I attend my company's annual lunch held at Causeway Bay. Quite good for the food quality.

There are 2 choices, 1 was last night annual dinner at Tsuen Wan, another choice is today's annual lunch.

I live in Kennedy town, the distance to go to Causeway Bay is much shorter than go to Tsuen Wan, so I choose the Causeway Bay.

I arrive at Causeway Bay at around 11am. Early is much better than late. I go windowshop for an hour. Especially I go to G2000 to have a look. Because $99 for a long sleeve shirt is worth to me to go there, but unluckily I can buy it at Sheung Wan shop only.

There is a lucky draw during the lunch, no one our department can win any drawn. But Everyone has a $100 welcome supermarket coupon. I give it to my mother after I come back to home.

The lunch finish at 2pm, I go to Sheung Wan in order to buy G2000 long sleeve shirt. I surprise that it sells at $99 for 1 shirt and buy 3 for extra 10% discount. That means only $89 for 1 shirt. I buy 3 shirts for total $268. A bit crazy for me because I buy 3 shirts today and bought 2 shirts in the previous week, totally 5 shirts.

Then I come back to home.
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