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篇名: Citylink
作者: Larry 日期: 2019.03.12  天氣:  心情:
Today is my holiday and my birthday as well. I wake up at 10am and drink coffee as usual. Then I go to Garden restaurant to enjoy my breakfast and I order rib eye steak with 50% cooked as usual.

At around noon, I go to Pioneer shopping arcade to change my battery of my watches. I don't know how to express 2 out of 3 watches needed to be changed battery. I feel horrible and I scare. But the shop in charge say I go to the Casio repair centre may be better because it may not the battery problem.

Then I go to MongKok Citylink to buy a new phone. It is the model Samsung A8s. I was told it is a outstanding model among all brand name below the price $3000. I believe the salesperson, so I buy it at Citylink.

It is a parallel product but why I am willing to buy. Don't ask me too much la. The reason is her and her father. I miss them very much. I haven't seen her for more than 5 years, we haven't talk for more than 10 years. I really miss her. I talk too much to the salesperson about her. Maybe I am wrong. But I can't find other methods to make a conversion to express my feeling to her.

I am busy to copy data from my old phone to the new phone right now.

Hope I am being good luck and good fortune.

PS. It is a big joke for me that Sony Xperia XZ2 premium sells at $27XX. I believe I have no doubt to mess.
XZ2 premium - heavy, old style outlook but photo quality is high.
Samsung A8S - light, lifestyle outlook but photo quality is relatively bad.
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