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 Larry 的日記本
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篇名: Complain Letter
作者: Larry 日期: 2019.01.01  天氣:  心情:
Dear Mr XXX
CC HR Dept.

I am Larry , My staff number is XXX, My title is Customer Services Officer under Asset Management Department. I joined XXXXXX since 18th April,2016.

I am now make a complaint to my supervisor. The reason is he scolded and insulted me publicly at the briefing time.

At 5thOctober,2017, I attended B shift, the time was from 1400 to 2300. At 1335, we had to attend before work briefing. The day was briefing by the second IC XXX. We had 10 manpower including IC that shift attended the briefing.

First, he briefed the daily tasks, then he said I had a very serious thing to tell you. “Don’t let me see you are talking to the counter staff of Mira Taste of B1 again. Larry, I am talking about you, I had been seen you talking to them for several times.”

I felt ashamed, Because I needed to talk to them about work because they are not Mira Mall customer services counter, our counter is located at the 1st floor opposite Starbucks. When guest went to the Mira Taste counter, I needed to go to the counter to help them answer/serve the guests actively. It might seem to be talking to the staff of Mira taste counter.

I hesitated to answer, “The order was made by Mr. XXX, we ought to stand in front of the counter to barrier the guest”. The meaning is that we needed to serve/answer the guest’s questions about our mall information because it was our duties. He said, “I am telling you not to talk to the counter staff of Mira taste.”.

Then he asked me “I was told your age is bigger than me, how old are you?”
I felt embarrassed as well and idled for 2 seconds and answered him “43”. Then he said, “It seemed that your forties not to know what you should do!”
I felt insulted and angrily and wanted to started asking him what’s wrong to me? I just actively to serve our valuable guest but the 1st IC Mr. XXX stop me speaking. He said. “Claim down, don’t be a sudden impulse.” Then Mr. XXX started briefing another topic.

I felt being embarrassed, angry and insulted by second IC XXX.
I don’t know whether other colleges of our department staff are chatted to the staff of the Mira Taste counter but for me, I just told them the information of our mall such as where is the location of GU, Uniqlo, Haagen-Dazs, toilets, baby room, etc. We rarely talked about personal or private things. We were working, actively to serve guests. And I had to thank you them because they helped me answer/serve to many guests.

I couldn’t tolerate XXX’s attitude and behavior. He was no need to insult me. Is he understood what are the tasks of the lobby duty in details? We are customer services provider? We needed to serve customers actively, not passively. Some communication to the counter are needed.

Should you have any questions about the case, please feel free to contact me, my phone number is XXXXXXXX.

Your sincerely,
6th October 2017.
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