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篇名: Common Errors
作者: Larry 日期: 2018.10.09  天氣:  心情:
I have brought the book "Longman English-Chinese Dictionary of Common Errors" today. I searched this book through the internet app at one of the second-hand markets apps. It cost me $50 dollars.

I have already owned one of this dictionary. Why I am willing to buy another one. It is because the old one seems old. I hoped to buy a new one. But it is difficult to find a new one at the bookstores, even in the net.

I feel the dictionary does not have any difficult words, but it can help me amend many English errors. It is very suitable for me to improve or enhance the English writing without mistakes.

Also, I have read the whole dictionary for many times. I can let my children read it and I have ability to teach them in the future. Of course, I know I am still single right now. My action is preparing for the future just by $50 dollars. It is worth for me to do it.

Hope I can have time to read it thoroughly once again.
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