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篇名: Change job ?
作者: Larry 日期: 2018.08.20  天氣:  心情:
I have been working for my present job for 3 weeks. I want to change site because I don't want to stand whole the time when I work from 10am to 8pm. My feet are painful.

I admire Sales teams because they need to stand whole the day as well.

The only reason I am willing to work for this site is that I can control my cigarette smoking.

If the salary increase, I may think to stay there.

But I come back to home around 0845pm every day, my mother is waiting for me to come back to home and cook my dinner.

I feel guilty because my mother used to sleep before 9pm. I feel she seems older than last month.

My present job changes our living habit.

Is money important than my living habit? I have to think.
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