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 Larry 的日記本
Avengers 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 Toilsome Day
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篇名: Gathering
作者: Larry 日期: 2018.06.16  天氣:  心情:
I have been long time without gathering with my friends, plus a lucky conversation.

It is very difficult to take leave on same day for me and my 3 good friends. But luckily, 2 of my friends and I are attended morning shift today. And the remaining 1 of my friends is cracked today as public leave because he has been told by me we would be gathered tonight.

We are difficult to book 4 seats for tonight gathering because of 3 consecutive holidays and the Father’s Day. We have our dinner at Manya Japanese Restaurant(滿屋日本料理). The quality of foods is relative bad because the seafoods are not fresh enough, may be today is holiday. There are many people waiting for seats.

The best quality for my taste that below $300 for dinner of Japanese放題 is Tokuzen Sushi(德膳壽司). If I give Tokuzen Sushi 9 marks out of 10, tonight it only has 7 marks.

We start having our dinner at 1830. When the time 1930, My friend and I leave the restaurant and go outside to smoke. When we are smoking, a girl (around age 23) asks me to borrow my lighter. I lend my lighter to her.

Having lighten up her cigarette, she returns my lighter to me. After a while I say, "A smoking girl is not beautiful." I only feel she feels ashamed. Having smoked, she throws her cigarette bag to the rubbish bin.
Both my friend and I feel surprised. But for me, it is a great amazing because a girl is listening to me, and my words can go into her ears. She is very beautiful as well. I don't know how to response but then she crosses the road.

Opportunity does not often happen. Because I can't make an instant response, I miss the chance to date her. At least I hope to make friendship.

I need to sleep right now because I was wakening up at 5am in the morning. I am very sleepy.
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