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 Larry 的日記本
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篇名: Blessings
作者: Larry 日期: 2023.06.16  天氣:  心情:
Tomorrow is the day I have been quitted smoking for 3 months since I was being sent to the Queen Mary Hospital emergency room.

Since the day I was in hospital, I didn't have any addictions to push me to smoke until now. Thanksgiving to God I am still alive. Because any surgical operations has its danger, even lose one's life if unluckiness.

Time flies like a rocket, I have been working busily since April at TK and definitely lacked of sufficient holidays to rest in the previous 2 months. But working and sleeping seemed to be a daily routine task since I joined security field.

The play seems to be written by God, I hadn't thought I could find another job so quickly after I left hospital and proposed to leave the previous job that became reality so quickly as well. Thanksgiving to Mr KK, Mr Ken & Mr Alex. Without them, I couldn't come back to TK. Although I definitely don't want to work in security field, no money no talk is a reality. It is a twenty thousand salary monthly job, it needs to be thanksgiving to God. Even the job duty is busy enough from time to time. Actually I will think is twenty thousand dollars salary enough to support a family's expenditure for necessary expenses. It is a big joke. But in fact it is not easy to find a twenty thousand's job nowadays for a Secondary 6,7 graduate. Maybe I don't have enough relationship and channel to have achieved a high salary job. But anyway I need to say thank you.

I never think I can live without smoking for 3 months.
Because none of a day I didn't smoke before 3 months and within the previous 30 years, exactly 30 years, since the summer holiday of year 1992. Incredible and unbelievable for such a lucky ending of smoking cigarettes for 30 years.

Hope I can enjoy the real taste of food that I was lost for previous 30 years.

Every day is a nice day. A new chapter for another day.
Hope God blesses me.
Hope Buddha blesses me.
Hope Avalokitesvara blesses me.
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