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篇名: Air conditioner
作者: Larry 日期: 2023.02.28  天氣:  心情:
I've installed a new air conditioner today in my bedroom because my old Rasonic air conditioner has been used for 10 years. I scare the electronic and electrical safety matters.

The new air conditioner is Panasonic model CW-XN721JA. The basic installation fee with the air conditioner unit is $3500 which is $370 expensive than its sister brand name Rasonic model RC-XN721J. The functions and outlook of both models are the same. But because I could earn more last year, so I am willing to pay more to enjoy Panasonic brand name. Because it is one of the most expensive brand name in Hong Kong.

It is no doubt I need to pay more than the basic installation fee, even I buy other brand name.
The new frame to replace the old frame is $300, the additional sound isolation rubber is $200, the takeaway fee of old air conditioner body is $50, also I totally give $150 for tips to the technician because the technician is paid attention to install the new air conditioner, I am willing to pay more for his dangerous risk.

Therefore I've paid $4200 for the new air conditioner. It is definitely expensive for me to install a 7400BTU/h air conditioner. I am no doubt to feel hurt if it's in money expense's basis.

Hope the Panasonic brand name can definitely don't let me disappoint to its quality, reliability and the quiet level when it is running.
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