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Body Check con' 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 Air conditioner
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篇名: Earn more
作者: Larry 日期: 2023.02.25  天氣:  心情:

I've succeeded to pass all tests of first aid certificate and I've already received the new card as well.

Hope I can find a good job with attractive salary.

In fact, the expenses of living in Hong Kong is ultimately high. Whatever how high the salary I earned before, the inflation of expenses seemed increasing significantly thereafter.

Such as the air conditioner of my bedroom was installed in year 2013.
It is the time to replace by a new one because it has been using for 10 years. I scare it become dangerous because of electrical products. But the price of the 7000BTU/h today is increased by $1000 dollars compared with the year 2013.

I spent over 1 thousand dollars to go to the dentist yesterday as well.

Also the building of my unit will have been renovated and it will need a huge amount of money. I definitely scare I don't have enough money for the expenses.

Moreover, my parent is retired. My income is used for all expenses of my parent and me including the home expenses. It is a big stress for me.

I attend TOEIC examination, the fee is $800 dollars, expensive for me.

Furthermore, how to release my stress is a big question for me. I have been relied on smoking to feel comfortable under pressure for decades but the tax of cigarettes is increasing terrifibly few days ago. I definitely scare I can't maintain a reasonable balance of income and expenses.

Hope I can earn more successfully.
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Body Check con' 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 Air conditioner