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篇名: Body Check con'
作者: Larry 日期: 2023.02.18  天氣:  心情:
At 7th of February, I received the call I could get my report and I made the appointment at 8th of February successfully. So I went there on time at 8th. When I received the report, i just felt it nothing special. The Total Cholesterol rate was 5.53mmol/L (should be less than 5.2mmol/L) and direct cholesterol rate was 2.89mmol/L (should be less than 2.59mmol/L) are still high. I felt satisfied because it had an improvement compared with the test in October 2021.

The Uric acid was 480umol/L( normal range should be 202-417umol/L in this issue). I had got 0.48mmol/L Oct 2021 and the normal range was from 0.22-0.55mmol/L). Personally I felt no differences.

But the red blood count was relatively high this time, I was the range 8-12,(normal range should be in the range 0-3/H.P.F.).

The nurse suggested me to draw blood to perform Renal function test to find out the reason why the blood level is high in urine. It costed me $900 dollars.

Then I got the draw blood result for kidney at 17th of February, the Creatinine value was 56.3umol/L(normal range should be 62.0-106umol/L)

And the Uric acid value was 427umol/L (normal should be 202-417umol/L) which was better than the result at 8th 480umol/L.

So the nurse told me to perform ultra sound test for thyroid because the function of thryoid would definitely affect the result of Creatinie value. I thought for a while and agreed to perform ultra sound test, I paid for extra $900 and I got the verbal result by the nurse immediately that there were no serious problems (only 2 small blisters on the thyroid and it was only minor problems). The laboratory would inform me to take the paper based result later.

Totally I paid
$368 for basic body check.
$380 for the lungs X-ray.
$900 for draw blood for kidney function test and
$900 for ultra sound check for thyroid.

I was punished by my mother I wasted money on body check.
But personally I felt assured for now moment except red blood value in urine. But for my experience the value was 2/uL at the body check at the previous check at this laboratory in Oct 2021. But the value at previous check at 工聯會 in August 2020 was much exceeded the normal range.

I then consulted my private doctor that year and was told it might be my organs inside my body was repairing, it was the normal metabolism that affected the blood level in unrine.
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