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篇名: 大小梅沙
作者: Larry 日期: 2017.03.13  天氣:  心情:
Yesterday I gathered with my friend in the morning after my work. Because yesterday was my birthday, I didn't want to waste the time after work. Normally I used to sleep whole the day after night shift work. I applied for a holiday for the yesterday a month ago.

Initially I wanted to go New Territory or outlying islands for a walk. But my friend suggested to go China, I had no objection. We took the bus and the train to China. When we went Shenzhen Lowu, it was the time 1100. We decided to take MTR or by bus. My friend suggested to go 小梅沙,so we took the bus route 387. We could enjoy the Shenzhen sightseeing through the bus windows. After an hour travel, we went to the 大梅沙。 We got off the bus.

We both felt hungry because my friend didn't have the breakfast. We saw the outlook of 五谷芳 restaurant was pretty good and there were many customers inside. So we had the lunch there. We ordered 5 dishes and 1 pig lung soup. The fried squab was quite good but the other 4 dishes were really bad in taste such as fried colon, fried squid and fried pork offal. The bill was $290 and we felt a bit expensive and not worth for the quality.

Then we went to the 大梅沙 sandy beach. The sandy beach was extremely big in size and there were many local citizens at there. We only went there for a walk and took some photos. Then we went to the Dameisha Resort for a walk. I felt there very likely to other resort in China, we didn't have mood to stay there for a long time.

We took the bus 387 to went to the 小梅沙 bus terminus for only 2 dollars and the whole travel was 6 dollars. But my friend didn't want to do so. I told him I believed when we got back to Lowu, we could have a seat when we took the bus at the bus terminus. Also we were already stayed there, why we didn't go to the 小梅沙 to have a look.

We just had a look at 小梅沙 and I brought a coconut to have a drink because I felt really thirsty after the lunch. The coconut was cost for 10 dollars and really big in size. I thought it was contained 1L of coconut water.

Then we took the bus 387 to go back Shenzhen urban area. We got off the bus at 國貿 bus stop and we took MTR to the 華強 station.

My friend repaired his I phone at one of the repair shop at there and cost for only 10 dollars.

We had our dinner at there for only 76 dollars. We ordered chili boiled fish head for only 46 dollars. A nice dinner.

Then we took the MTR to Lowu and came back to Hong Kong at 10 pm.
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