某天的公車上, 下車鈴響了… 有個爸爸牽著他的女兒準備下車, 後面還有個婆婆也要下車, 車停了, 那對父女先下車了以後, 婆婆跟在後面要下車的時候, 卻沒站穩 而撞到了小女孩.. 小女孩 :「爸爸,好痛喔,那個婆婆撞到我了」 爸爸 :「乖,不痛喔。如果婆婆沒撞到你, 她就會跌到地上了,所以你是她的小天使!!」 原本以為那位爸爸頂多安慰一下小女孩說不痛不痛, 沒想到,他會說出這麼具有教育性的溫馨童言童語, 那一刻,我覺得好感動,他爸爸是個大天使!! 或許我們可能是別人的天使,別人也可能是我們的天使, 一個小小的言語或行動,其實就可以令人感動。 你...是誰的天使呢? ♬♪~~♬♪~~♬♪~~♬♪~~♬♪~~♬♪~~♬♪~~♬♪~~♬♪~~♬♪~~ Rin With Lisa Loeb - Anti Hero Once upon a time there was a girl And her father was a king And the world's eyes were on her And she made some mistakes See these people wanted and money and fame And she trusted them She knows in spite of everything these things won't be forgotten If you try hard enough And go far enough You might be forgiven When the war is won And the song is sung You're still less then zero You're an anti hero And she finds there's this man And he has an evil plan To take control of the world And her father wouldn't listen So she set out on a mission For the greater good She knows in spite of everything She has atosave the day If you try hard enough And go far enough You might be forgiven When the war is won And the song is sung You're still less then zero You're an anti hero So she took down the villan Now the kingdom is chillin And the after party was so good If you try hard enough And go far enough You might be forgiven When the war is won And the song is sung You're still less then zero You're an anti hero ♬♪~~♬♪~~♬♪~~♬♪~~♬♪~~♬♪~~♬♪~~♬♪~~♬♪~~♬♪~~
嗯嗯~^_^ 大家都像天使般善良就好嚕~
噗~@@ 不得了..有點誇張ˊˋ"
對阿~ 同樣一件事 看待的角度會不一樣 同樣一句話 聽起來的感受也會不同 要用心去感受~去體會吧^^
因為是發生在現實的生活裡~ 那感覺真的很窩心~ 我們都有可能是誰的天使 別人也都有可能是我們的天使 就看自己懂不懂得去感受嚕~^^
呵~因為很溫馨~~ 所以很難不去注意到^Q^~
嗯嗯~所以說這世界真的有天使~ 有很多很溫馨窩心的人事物會常常出現在我們身邊 只是看自己有沒有去留意吧~ 呵~那首歌~詞跟曲我很喜歡^^~
恩阿~我也覺得頂多安慰女兒.. 我沒想過會有人這樣說... 聽到的時候真的很窩心^^