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篇名: The Whale
作者: Larry 日期: 2015.12.06  天氣:  心情:
I've seen the film "In The Heart Of The Sea : The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex" today.

The story is that a team of crew of Amercian new Whaleship Essex went to Pacific Ocean to kill whale in order to get whale oil. But the ship was attacked by a white sperm whale named Mobi Dick. Having lost their ship, the crew of the Essex attempted to sail to South America in whaleboats. After suffering from starvation and dehydration, most of the crew died before the survivors were rescued.

The story was retold by a teenage cabin boy on board the Essex and wrote about the experience in his old age.

The film is attractive to me because this kind of film is seldem can be seen in the cinema. The film is lasted for around 2 hours. Although the many people was died in the film. It is worth for us to seen once.
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