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篇名: The 100th Diary
作者: Larry 日期: 2015.11.05  天氣:  心情:
This is my 100th diary since year 2012. I think I should write a memorial diary. But I don't know why, when I was at leisure, you always floated on my mind.

Actually I forgot your Chinese name. I met you when I was studied primary. Both your parents knew me. I only knew called you Cathy when I was in my early twenties.

From the year 1999 to 2002, we always went here and went there, but I still couldn't hold your hand, even if one hair I still couldn't be touched.

The day I saw you at the IFC, I didn't know why I didn't have courage to stand in front of you. I bowed my head, but my eye-sight was turned into your breast. Both you and me were ashamed of my action. But I still didn't stand in front of you. At least I didn't say long time no see, how are you? How are you recently?

The most regret point was I didn't ask for your phone number. How could I find you again? Are you still living in Bel-Air? But what could I do? I became a security staff and worked at your estate for 1 year. I still couldn't see the sight of your back. What could I do?

13 years is over, I still remember you. But I know I need to change my mind. I need to find a new girl for dating. I need to marriage although I don't know whether I can find the miss right.

Hope you have a perfect life.
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