今天 是我ㄉ大日 沒錯 我ㄉ誕辰日 (開心) => 其實也還好啦 還不跟平常一樣
今天凌晨12點整ㄉ時候 我ㄉ室友敲我ㄉ門 (不知哪一ㄍ 只知道有人敲我ㄉ門)
門一開 沒看到半ㄍ人影 (嚇)
結果是兩ㄍ女室友(躲在廚房)我ㄉ第一反應就是 Fuck You~ => 馬ㄉ 想說誰這麼大膽 耍我
結果過幾秒 男是友也從房間拿著手機出來說時間剛剛好 大家跟我說Happy Birthday
恩恩 真ㄉ很感謝你們 不管是家人 精華幫ㄉgroupie 房太 和室友 真ㄉ很感謝你們
I m really blessed to have you guys being there for me on my birthday.
To the person who s still in my mind, I want you to know that you are the wish I made as my birthday wish and I wish it ll come true. Even though you re not by my side anymore, I just want you to know that I haven t changed at all, and you re the one that s not replacable in my heart as always.